Comments For This Search Engine Suggestions
where do girls hang out? 8,720,000 results. nerds go on google too much
Girls shave in their bathrooms much like anyone else would
LMFAO people are so fucking retarded.
The "Where do girls with one leg work" search suggestion is much funnier.
Their butts. Duh.
Girls with one leg work at iHop.
This is what happens when children use the internet unsupervised.
People are so f*cking retarded.
Actually guys, girls pee out of a little hole just above the vagina. Just thought i'd point that out to you.
Where do girls with one leg work? At IHOP!
anyone who has taken a middle school health class or seen a vagina should know where girls pee out of o_0 i swear people are dumb
where do girls hang out? 8,720,000 results. nerds go on google too much