Comments For This Search Engine Suggestions
the fava beans one is from a movie about Hannibal lector, the cannibal... i think the movie was called hannibal
the book named hanibal the movie named silence of the lambs but i´m not so sure
anchorman....thats a classic line
the third one sounds like someone taking instructions for being bulemic
Wow so did i
Hannibal Lector quote FTW also lol at my solve if you aren't a zombie, just happens to be "tastes like chicken"
...that's not a candle. Thats your boyfriend.
what about the one that says "i ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti"???
Damnit Shoenice, First Tampons, Then Pokemon cards, Now a big red candle.
"Oh sorry champ. i ate your chocolate squirrel."
"the fava beans one is from a movie about Hannibal lector, the cannibal... i think the movie was called hannibal" - the movie is actually called Silence of the Lambs, you probably could have found this out by typing the quote into google
wow thats from fucking anchorman
I would be much more worried about the dude eating another dudes liver with fava beans...
i 'ate when people cant come up with funny comments in here... losers
can't wait to taste that big red... oh wait...
the fava beans one is from a movie about Hannibal lector, the cannibal... i think the movie was called hannibal