Comments For This Search Engine Suggestions
Fail. you can set your appearance to look Classic so it looks old school. noob.
that's rich coming from somebody using internet explorer
Vista is great, good, crap, awesome, a failure, dead, slow and better then xp...make up your mind google...
I told google to make up its mind and forgot to write my name... :P ~Athena~
115,000,000 results for vista is good. MIND CONTROL!!!
most of the people who say vista sux are cheap assholes who bought the home basic version (which does suck) but everything above basic is just as good if not better than xp, 98
Dude, can you see it's running in a VM? who needs the extra bloat? n00b!
No, if this person was using Vista, they would have used the snipping tool, not print screen
Fail. you can set your appearance to look Classic so it looks old school. noob.