Comments For This Search Engine Suggestions
And five seconds after this guy typed that in, there was a single yelp. A week later, his body was found with a fist-sized hole punched through his skull
dont let him know you said that
What yelp? No, man, he didn't have time to yelp. No sign of him has been found, though everyone agrees on one thing: he is no longer among the living. Also, Chuck Norris is the best. 'Cause I don't wanna die.
children check their closet for the boogie man, the boogie man checks for chuck norris, and chuck norris checks for Mr. Popo from DBZA
And five seconds after this guy typed that in, there was a single yelp. A week later, his body was found with his head missing, due to the most powerful roundhouse kick ever. 100 million years later astronauts discovered a skull on the outer reaches of the universe..
nobody. beats. chucknorris.
cause chuck said this
And five seconds after this guy typed that in, there was a single yelp. A week later, his body was found with a fist-sized hole punched through his skull