Comments For This Search Engine Suggestions
My question is why that question bow is so damn idiotic :\
hmm...I wonder why?
Brasil is Portuguese for Brazil, you idiots.
The fact that it's even suggested means there is a large portion of people asking the same damn question. I've lost faith in the human race (at least in Brazil)
The suggestions are in english, brazilians speak portuguese!
The suggestions are separeted by idioms, there's not such thing as a "brazilian suggestions list". The image shows the brazilian google's page probably becuse who made it is brazilian! I mean, it's not brazilian stupidity, it's human race issue, indeed.
i slapped my forehead when i read this... that second comment is too confusing :O :(
People seem to be mentioning in Brazil. Check again. It says Brasil. =/
Maybe cause it's wooden??
My question is why that question bow is so damn idiotic :\