Comments For This Search Engine Suggestions
Those wacky Germans....
Really those arent much use unless you are Octo-mom
because you are half pig. Those things have so many nipples..
Why do i have no friends - 954,000,000 searches xD
all you German haters should reallies that there search is exactly the same as ares it isn't now because it changes daily
Seriously what is the internets obsession with green shit?!
Probably because you have 4 nipples, bad bladder control, green poop and bad gas. Just guesssing.
I have nipples, can you milk me?
"Why do I have no friends?" Check the other results and you might get an inkling.
You have no friends because you have acne, gas, green poop, 4 nipples, and you pee alot!!!
Those wacky Germans....