Comments For This Search Engine Suggestions
I lol'd more at the first suggestion.
migets cant go to jail, duh
You mean you didn't know they had night vision?
funny how there's a midget in the google picture
Do midgets get drunk faster? I would love to know!
Do Midgets show up on background checks?
who would ever search this stuff?!?
i love how theres a picture of a Midget at the top :)
Now I know why all my friends say they need to get me drunk...
has no one noticed that the google picture looks like a huge cock?????
I actually found this question on yahoo answers http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090801011212AAG87Iw
lmao at "do migets have night vision"
cryus and gomes buring up the bed!
I lol'd more at the first suggestion.